Crimson Renegade

Member for 1538116686

7 Posts & Comments

Crimson Renegade 1572495048

Is there a link available for Odd's SDK?

Crimson Renegade 1572486578

What version of unity are you using pasta?

Crimson Renegade 1572471068

How exactly are any of you uploading this avatar through unity if the model is 90k polygons?

Crimson Renegade 1556840878

Can you upload the dance animation with the music? =)

Crimson Renegade 1552262462

Is it possible if you can add lip sync on this model?

Crimson Renegade 1551801319

I would love to see some gestures with nice facial expressions on this Ryuko Avatar!

Crimson Renegade 1538148479

You are a godsend my dude, yesterday I was wondering when someone would make a Boo-ette avatar, I search on the website Boosette and no results, then I search Boo and nothing in particular, then I look at the front page and the first avatar I see is Boo-ette made 4 hours ago, that made my day.